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Hope for Our Future The changing of the tides
Aleut elder Ilarion (Kuuyux/Larry) Merculieff has over 40 years of serving his Unangan (Aleut) people and is a carrier of messages from Indigenous Elders from around the world. Larry shares powerful messages from a recent global gathering with Indigenous elders, and speaks to simple steps we can take to begin to understand our sacred purpose, the importance of honoring the sacred feminine, and how consciousness is changing on the planet.

Larry Merculieff
Larry Merculieff has over 40 years experience serving his people, the Aleuts of the Pribilof Islands and other indigenous peoples locally, nationally, and internationally in a number of leadership capacities. He is the founder and president of the Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways, an unincorporated entity dedicated to raising the consciousness of people for the sake of humanity and Mother Earth. Larry was the first Alaska Native commissioner of the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development, a cabinet post.
He was one of four Native Americans selected to present at the 1999 White House Conference on the Oceans in Monterrey, California. Larry is the co-founder of the Indigenous Peoples’ Council for Marine Mammals, the Alaska Forum on the Environment, the International Bering Sea Forum, and the Alaska Oceans Network and established the Bering Sea Council of Elders. He has received many awards and has two books he co-authored, Aleut Wisdom: Stories from an Aleut Messenger and Stop Talking: Indigenous Ways of Teaching and Learning. He is currently working on a third book called Tunaa Awaa: The Work of the Land, a story of indigenous elder wisdom through the lens of his life. His work with Seven Generations Consulting focuses on organizational strategic planning, conference planning and facilitation, cross-cultural orientation and project development and facilitation.