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How to use The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library
To find a session you’d like to hear, click through categories or speaker names in the index on this page, or search The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library by keyword.
The video recordings are viewable directly on the site, and you’ll be able to listen to the audio recordings either directly on the website or you can download them for listening on your computer, phone, iPod, tablet, etc.
Please share the recordings and library with your family, friends, schools, places of worship and community groups!
We extend our deep appreciation to Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr. for the hundreds of hours he has put into setting up and conducting most of the interviews you find here. If it weren’t for his deep commitment, lifetime of work and many trusted connections, this Library would not be possible.
We have built a special partnership over years to bring you this vital information, and The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library is a growing body of wisdom that is being added to over time. If you’d like to be notified as we post more sessions in the future, just let us know your name and email address in the box above if you haven’t done so already.
If you have questions or comments about The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library, please contact The Shift Network by clicking here.