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Grandfather Tom Blue Wolf
Tom Blue Wolf is the founder and director of EarthKeepers One Tribe Trading Company, an organization dedicated to manufacturing and distributing herbal healing products and educating people of all ages on the importance of relationship with the Earth and each other. He is a charter member of the World Council of Elders, gained the title of Nganga Sangoma in the Zimbabwe culture of the beVenda tribal tradition, an initiated healer by the Ainu Sapporo people of northern Japan, a faithkeeper for the Little Bear Family with the Star Clan of the Lower Creek, a lifetime member of the Indigenous Healers Association, and travels the world teaching workshops and conducting ceremonies in the tradition of the Little Bear Family of the Ani-Coosa.
Since 1980 he has lead an Indigenous cultural awareness program for incarcerated "brothers" in the Federal Bureau of Prisons and inspires many hearts with the message of peace and harmony with “all our relations.” He is a board member of several local, regional and national environmental organizations and is active in many roles with youth programs around the country. He has appeared on many radio and television programs, and was recently featured in the award winning documentary, Mythic Journeys, produced by the Mythic Imagination Institute. Tom has written hundreds of articles to present the views of the EarthKeepers Organization and has received numerous awards and acknowledgements for his work with EarthKeepers over the past 34 years. His book, Following the Moon, will be available in the fall of 2015.
Sessions with Grandfather Tom Blue Wolf (1)
Practical Wisdom for Living in Peace with Ourselves Others and Mother Earth
Grandfather Tom Blue Wolf is a deeply wise elder who left a TV acting career to return to nature. Brother Tom will share many practical insights that we can apply in our daily life to find deeper peace in ourselves and to improve our relations with the Earth and people around us.